Saturday, November 28, 2009

Pepper, the Pest

Pepper's been waking us up numerous times a night because she's cold. A queen-sized bed is not adequate for 3 sleeping bodies so we finally bit the dust and bought her a new heating pad to replace the one that died last week.

Nowadays, heating pads are all automatic shut-off, which doesn't cut it for keeping a Cornish Rex kitty warm throughout the night. We had to buy a more expensive model to get the option to "turn off the shut-off"......go figure.

Anyway, as I predicted, Pepper stayed in her bed almost all night. I'm not sure about tonight because she's slept all day while Ed was watching football.


Beth said...

If the dogs didn't sleep with us, you can bet they'd be waking up cold and pestering us!

marymay said...

Do your dogs sleep through the night? We've learned that cats are nocturnal, which might explain why they can see in the dark.