Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Waldo in the" Wedwoods"

"Where's Waldo?" is a series of children's books with full-page illustrations of hundreds of people, typically depicted in a frenzy of activity. The reader is to find a character named Waldo hidden in the group.

These photos show Redwoods in their magnificent glory. Your challenge is to find "Ed~Waldo" in each photo.

(You can click on each photo for a larger version.
Then go to the top left corner and click the "back" arrow to return to this page.)

p.s. Mary was there, too!

1 comment:

Julie Manhold said...

The fifth photo gave me a problem until I clicked on it and enlarged it. Then, I saw "Waldo". I have a co-worker who said he always rents a convertible before he goes into the redwood forest. When Russ and I visited the redwoods a few years ago we realized what a good idea that was. We didn't have a convertible, but my head was always sticking ouo of the car window.