Sunday, November 6, 2011


Some Thoughts....

Saturday we went to the Treasure Coast mall to Macy's and Dillard's to look for a square frying pan (perfect for frying four eggs) like Ed has in Virginia.  

I spent the summer in a rural area with calm, quiet malls.  The mall here was such a was a madhouse filled with noisy people who were just buying, buying, buying.  I felt like I was in the middle of a busy ant hill filled with ants in a frenzy.

I've read that shopping and buying things gives people a "rush" or a "high" almost like taking drugs.  I couldn't help but wonder if all those people could afford their purchases.  I've also read that people have trouble separating "Needs" from "Wants."  

I couldn't wait to get out of that mall where people were buying like maniacs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mall shopping is not something I do often as the nearest malls are in Savannah with those in Charleston just a tad farther. Having had a family-owned business in Beaufort, I try to shop locally whenever possible although Bass Pro in a Savannah mall seems to "call to Bacot" more often than I would like. I try to avoid shopping at malls or any stores/shops during "peak" times as there is no reason a retiree can't avoid all the noise & rush. Yes, I understand exactly what you encountered with your "malling"!
