Naturally, people shared their experiences with me so I wasn't sure if it'd be weeks of still using a walker with lots of therapy or jumping up and walking out of the doctor's office.
They took the cast off (I'm kicking myself for not taking my camera). That involved sawing from my big toe area up the inside of the leg to the top, sawing from my little toe area up the outside of the leg, using a "jaws of life" to pry it open, and cutting through the padding.
They said they'd be back after my X-rays. When the X-ray technician came, I put on my 2nd sneaker and gingerly walked down the short hall to her room. By the time I came back, the sneaker was too snug and my foot was feeling very tender and sore.

So, at this point, I'm wearing the same "boot" that I wore with my cast because the bandage inside a shoe is usually too snug for comfort.
I had been warned to expect a yellow, shriveled, smelly, scaled leg but it wasn't too, too bad. It probably would have been worse if it were in the summer and I would have sweat more. Thankfully, my frequent hot flashes didn't seem to cause much of a problem. I also lucked out in that I didn't get itchy. One must appreciate every little blessing!
I always thought of a CAST OFF (as in "a reject")
as something undesirable --- but not today!
Mary that is good news! So now it is just getting back to ground zero. What a trip.
Is this your first broken bone? If so, just think of all you've learned and all you have to share. Thanks so much for keeping your "readers" informed about your progress --- the good, the bad, & the ugly!
We rejoice with you !
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