Saturday, April 11, 2009

Jubulation Over Shells and Fish

I almost bought some shells across the street at The Shell Factory this week, but decided for that $10, we could pay the gas and $6.00 bridge toll to go shelling at Sanibel again AND get 100 times as many shells. Since we were already at the doctor's office, we were more than halfway there. So, off we went.

We looked around a shell store on Sanibel. Ed intimated that I could just buy the shells I wanted - but I want my projects to be made with shells that I found myself!
The cook at the deli where we ate confirmed that Bowman's Beach (the place we went before) was the best for shelling but warned that it was high tide so there might not be as many shells as other times of the day.

Without further delay, we hit "our" beach. At first, it appeared that the cook was right and there weren't many shells. We did find a place with some and I started collecting. Ed went further down the beach and was quite jubilant because he found the Mother lode! They were exactly the tiny shells I wanted and they were several layers deep. I worked for a couple of hours gathering baby shells.

When Ed had had enough sun, I filled my bucket - I'll sort them later. I wished I had had another bucket, but that would have been too much weight to make it back to the parking lot, which is a pretty long walk. Now I'm the jubilant one with a bucket of treasures!

We stopped at Bonefish Restaurant across the street from our RV park and I had the All-You-Can-Eat fish and chips, like we had when
George and Kay visited in February. It was every bit as good as the last time and I enjoyed every succulent morsel of the dinner and the 2 extra pieces that I requested.

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