Thursday, July 20, 2023

Bowman Reunion 2023

The Bowman Reunion was held at Shady Oaks, which is part of Weaver's Mennonite Church in Harrisonburg, Virginia on the third Sunday in July.  I always look forward to going to reconnect with my many cousins.  My paternal grandmother was Ruth Bowman May, which lets me be with this fine group of people.

Uncle Luther Bowman has 29 grandchildren.  I can't name all of them but here is a good representation on that group.

  I remember going to visit Uncle Luther sometimes on Sunday afternoon when I was little.

 Philip and Maribeth May, MaryMay and Gary Suter,
Becky and Bill May

Grandmother Ruth Bowman May had six grandchildren.  Above are 3 of them with their spouses.

Visiting with my kinfolk and eating the lucious home-cooking is always fun but the highlight this year was singing hymns together.  The acappella singing and the harmony was simply beautiful.

 Until next year, dear Bowman cousins!

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