Wednesday, August 10, 2011


To-Da-Dump, To-Da-Dump, To-Da-Dump, Dump, Dump, Dump! 

What an exciting ("exhausting" would be a better adjective) two days this has been.  Yesterday, Grant Rhodes, his little sister, Lorena, and I cleaned out the tool shed.  

Even though the auctioneer had taken sellable stuff and the metal scrap guy had taken the metal stuff, there was STILL tons of stuff to take.  Lots of build-up happens in a shop in 90 years.

I never would have believed what 3 people could accomplish in an hour.  The tool shop looks totally different now.  Again, I forgot to take pictures.
When Grant and I got back from the dump yesterday, we cleared out the "old kitchen", a shed in the back yard.  

Even though the truck was full, we managed to add 5 chairs and many other items from the basement today.

It was an engineering masterpiece of mammoth proportions.  We practically held our breath during the whole 20 mile drive hoping nothing would fall off.
The items today were easier to unload, in spite of the horrid smell and the wind that blew things straight back into the truck.

Grant really got into it and tried to break the glass items he threw.  He wouldn't believe me that the bedpan wasn't ceramic until he heard the metal clink -- and it didn't break.
Hula, anyone?
Bye, bye, "Stuff"!
It's interesting and rather ironic.....what a beautiful view there is from the dump.  I do know it's a beautiful feeling to have the tool shop and the shed cleared and cleaned.


Beth said...

My, how Grant has grown! I remember when he was toddling around with Emma.

Anonymous said...

Good work! I'm sure you feel genuine accomplishment --- and rightly so.
