Wednesday, August 26, 2020

My Post about Politics

We have a presidential election coming up on Tuesday, November 3, 2020.  Donald Trump (R) is running against Joe Biden (D). 

Politics is a topic I stay away from.  I grew up with a Republican father and a Democratic Mother, therefore politics was not discussed in our home.  I am registered as an Independent. 
I keep up with the news pretty well and try to keep myself informed.  I will admit that I am human and I do give in and read Facebook - LOL!
There are times when I start feeling a lot of stress regarding the whole topic so I have to give myself a little "talking to."  My brother pointed out that basically, we'll get up in the morning, have breakfast, go to work, come home, have dinner, watch a little TV or read, and go to bed.  Tomorrow we repeat.  
I forgot to mention the most important and reassuring fact of all:  GOD IS IN CONTROL!!!!!   But sometimes things don't happen when, where, or how we think they should.   Note to self:  When in doubt, PRAY!
This is pretty simplistic but it does help me get myself closer to a state of calm.

Don't get me wrong - I will vote but the cartoon above expresses my feelings.

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