Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Blogging Blahs

It was bound to happen......after 105 days of travel with one adventure after another, life is becoming "normal", sort of. That means that this blog will not be taking you to the far reaches of the West any more.

I still plan to post several times a week but I don't want to have you keep checking to find nothing. If you would like, I can send you an email when I post something. If you want an email, you can comment at the bottom of this post.

 Click here for refresher directions: How to Comment)

p.s. I'm sure these blogging blahs also have to do with that fact that we're going to be selling the RV.

1 comment:

Beth said...

There are different ways to blog and I'm sure you'll find your "voice." No need to notify me of a new entry, since I have your blog on my bookmarks toolbar(RSS Feed)along with other blogs that I follow. That way, I can easily check to see if there's anything new.