Friday, March 4, 2022

Ash Wednesday Service - Literally!

The Ash Wednesday Service was held at FUMC (First United Methodist Church) of Port St. Lucie, Florida.  I got a ride with Pat and Rich Necklen and we picked up Rita Etherington.  (We're all in a Zoom Bible Study group and Rita is our leader.)

When we went in, we were asked to go to the altar, choose a rock, and write a  goal that you plan to aim for during Lent.

We were also given slips of paper that were about an inch wide and 6 inches long.  We were to write something that we planned to give up during Lent.  At the allotted time during the service, we went up to the front where Pastor Brian Carr was waiting.  We could put our paper slip over the candle in a pot or Brian would use a barbecue lighter to burn it for you. 

Then our two associate pastors administered ashes onto our foreheads. When the minister applies the cross of ashes, he/she says to the worshiper: “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” He also may say “Repent and believe in the Gospel.”

We were pleased to have 118 people in attendance, the most since the Pandemic began. A few people did wear masks.   It took a while for everyone to go up but it was a time of reverence.

Pastor Brian went up to continue the service.  Well, lo and behold, the flames started growing.  At one point, he backed up because of the heat.  It was just plain scary!!!

  A closer look: 


Who saved the day but Rad Orlandi, our Associate Pastor.  He brought a metal cover from a communion tray.   Brian put it on the top of the burning pot and then the flame stopped.  Thankfully, it just fit the top of the clay pot.

Then, for whatever reason, he moved the top over (I'm thinking he was hoping to save the metal top.) and the flames roared up again.  This time, he left it in place.

Then we continued with the rest of the service.

As for me, this was an Ash Wednesday Service I won't forget!

p.s. Hopefully I'll remember the goal I'm aiming for and the thing I'm giving up for Lent.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you MartMay for this blog. It was truly a very inspiring Ash Wednesday service. I have my rock on my kitchen counter to remind of my goal for all of Lent. I pray daily for the things I wrote to give up for Lent