Friday, August 17, 2018

Celebrating the Weavers' 50th Anniversary

Our friends, Bonnie and Winston Weaver, celebrated their 50th Anniversary this summer.  To celebrate, they invited some of their friends for an adventure in the Willow Grove Inn near Orange, Virginia.
Winston and Bonnie have had a special celebration every ten of their years with a special "tripette".  Gary and I were delighted to be included with several other couples this year.
Winston knew he was going somewhere but he didn't know who was invited or where we were going.
Bonnie and Winston Weaver

In the room where we had hors d'oeuvres this very "prim and proper" butler, looked sooo real.
 We thought this chair made of books was unique.
Beyond that, I have no more photos to share.  It was one of those evenings where we were so "in the minute" that we forgot about taking pictures.

Happy 50th Anniversary to Bonnie and Winston and we wish you many more!

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