The theme for the Women's Club this month was the Mini-Taste of Savanna. Each table selects a theme, plans, decorates, and provides food for their table.
I was in a group that chose to have a Baby Shower theme. Linda Houlihan, Linda Ricioppo, and I had fun brainstorming in the dollar store.
The ideas expanded when we met at my house.
Linda Houlihan, Linda Ricioppo (AKA "The Lindas" or "My Lindas"), Mary Melincoff, and Huie Curtis get started.
We watched Mary a lot as she can make really neat bows.
Linda Houlihan created a fantastic centerpiece "cake" made with diapers.
Huie was the honored guest at our "shower" so she had the hat made of bows. The final touch was we all went as "preggies"....or did you think those were our real tummies?
The Clown Picnic group went all out.
The ladies decorated their tables AND gave us a show!
The First Thanksgiving gals wore Indian feathers/headbands.
This was an Italian Mama table.
The Karaoke Divas
After they met, the divas agreed to make headbands using CDs on their own. It was amazing how diverse the results were, with one as cute as the next!
The Mexican Fiesta table was colorful.
The "senorita" looked quite unlike the real Joanne.
The Southern Belle picnic was charming.
The picnic had an anthill, complete with ants, as a centerpiece!
The "Savanna Club Hookers" were having way too much fun!
I liked the tablecloth on the America table.
Red, White, Blue America
The Parisian Bistro
Notice the plates have the Eiffel Tower on them.
(You can click on the photo for a larger version.)
Building the table....
Decked out Parisian ladies.
This table was my personal favorite. Every detail, right down to the Perrier water, was attended to.
(There were quite a few other tables, too.)
The Mini-Taste of Savanna and Table Contest turned out to be a terrific affair. It's good to keep our brains working and to engage in teamwork as we age!
On a more serious note, we give lots of money to charity. Besides money, we have a request each month to bring something. Last month it was toiletries for the Women's Shelter. This time it was peanut butter for a food bank. The Women's Club also runs an extensive Angel Tree program. Our playtime does have a worthwhile purpose.