Tuesday was my first attempt at shopping. I had a reward points coupon that was going to expire at Beall's Outlet and I simply couldn't let it go to waste! Ed dropped me off with my traveling wheelchair -- it's the kind without the big wheels on the side for moving oneself.
I was fine using my right leg to navigate at home but that poor leg was tired and sore before I even made it to the back of the store! In the housewares department, the shelves are heavy so I could pull along with my hands but besides that, it was my poor leg that did the work.
I planned to call the Men's Club guy, Dick, as soon as I got home to see if I might get another chair. Would you believe.....a golf cart was in front of us as we entered our community and as it pulled over to let us pass by, I realized that it was Dick!!! What are the chances that would happen? It was surely a Serendipity or a Divine Intervention, huh?
He went right over to the storage area with us. I was convinced that the chair with side wheels wouldn't go through the small doors in our house. Luckily, I was wrong!
Now, I can do some serious shopping and pop some wheelies, too!
Mary, I can just see you doing wheelies in a department store!