Friday, February 11, 2011

Family and Friends Gather after Mom's Funeral

After the Celebration and the Graveside Services, family and close friends gathered in the church's social hall to share a meal.  This delicious meal was prepared by the ladies of the church.
(You may click on each photo for a larger version.)

Levi, Phil, & Maribeth May; Anita, Ellen, Duane, April, & Paul Krull; Mary May & Ed Angelil

Fran's Firstborn
Mary May and her husband, Edmond Angelil
Fran's Middle Child

   Anita May Krull and her husband, Paul Krull

The Baby of the Bunch
Philip Freeman May with his wife, Maribeth May

Ellen Krull, April Krull, Levi Walker May, and Duane Krull
Phil May, Anita Krull, MaryMay Angelil,
Stashia Kline, Patty Golightly, Bill May
 We six Mays were so blessed.  We lived near each other and we each had our own built in playmate
(Stashia & Mary, Patty & Anita, and Bill & Phil)

Philip May, Anita Krull, Bill Freeman, Mary May Angelil, and Bobz Freeman

Maribeth May and Marilyn Freeman

Bill and Corty Freeman with Phil May
Becky and Bill May
(Becky sang at Mom's Homegoing Service and for many years, Bill cleared her driveway when it showed.)

Childhood Friends Meet Again
Ellen Krull, Susanna Koogler (a neighbor),
Levi May, April Krull
Caregivers Who Really Cared
Faith & Jonathan Histand, Shelley McDonough

The Rhodes Family 
Rented Mom's farm for years and helped her in many ways.
Cheri, Linden, Christie, Lorena
(Morgan & Grant were at home milking the cows.)

Close family friends for many years.
Aldeen and Eugene Wenger
This Post could go on and on because our lives were touched by so many wonderful, supportive people.  To everyone, we say, "Thank you!"

 This is a special church where Fran worshiped and served.  We share many memories with our family and our church family, as we learn to live as God would want us to live.

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