Friday, February 18, 2011

At Last, The Lettermen

I am excited today!  

When I was a senior at JMU, back in the dark ages, I had to make a choice.  Should I go to see my favorite group, The Lettermen, or should I go to Big Meadows on Skyline Drive (where I'd worked that summer) to waitress for the weekend? 

They needed help so badly that they sent a driver 40 miles to pick me up at my dorm on Fridays and bring me back on Sundays.  

Well, my practical side won and, sure enough, I made some good money that weekend.  However, I've suffered all these many years at missing out on that concert.

Well, tonight's the night!  The Lettermen are playing at the theater here at Savanna Club (our retirement community) and we are going!

It was actually a wise choice.....that summer, I made enough to pay my last year of college AND go to Europe the following summer.  

I also learned that I surely wanted to finish college so I wouldn't ever have to be a waitress again.  I had no clue what hard, stressful work it was and I am now a very good tipper.

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