Friday, November 19, 2010

Ed's Scan & Mary's Therapy

Ed was diagnosed with lung cancer and was given a very grave prognosis.  Not only did he outlive the "3 to 6 months" prediction, he's still going strong after two years.  He had a scan this week.  His oncologist in West Palm Beach got the results and said there is no significant change.  Ed was delighted to hear that the doctor doesn't need to see him at this time.  His next scan will be in the spring.

Meanwhile, I went for my physical therapy evaluation.   After filling out at least a dozen detailed forms, it turned out that the therapy center was more for pain management.  So, it was back to square one.  I called another center and asked more questions this time.  They've already called my doctor in Virginia and my insurance company.  I'll be going for an evaluation the week after Thanksgiving.

Ed just came in and says he wants to go out to eat to celebrate his good scan results.  I'd better go get ready.  Byeeee for now! 

God is good!  We have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.   


  1. I'm so happy to hear about Ed's scan results! You know studies have shown that one's outlook has a lot to do with surviving a terminal diagnosis. How's your leg doing? Hopefully, you'll find a good P.T. next week. We all wish you were going to be here for Thanksgiving, but we know the warm weather and sunshine are doing you both a lot of good.

  2. Mary, I sent you a page by e-mail about a drug called crisotinib. I hope it made it to you. We have had local success with 2 fellows living in a town about 40 miles away. Both had lung cancer and after only 4 weeks on the oral medicine--their lung cancer was undetectable. They will stay on it for the rest of their lives. I believe they said they each took 2 pills---3x daily. I didn't know if you were aware of this drug.
    Hope you have found a good physical therapist. I am currently in pain management after physical therapy didn't and couldn't work for me. Enjoy Florida. Tee
