Friday, July 23, 2010

Chicken Egg Farm

by Sean Angelil (age 6)

We went to a chicken egg farm.  When we got there we saw very, very long chicken houses.

There were 9,000 chickens and 900 roosters in the house.
Ms. Mary's cousin (Stashia Kline) showed us this cart with more than 2,000 eggs that she got that day.
She showed us the little contraption that brings out the eggs.  When the eggs come out on the moving belt, she puts the good ones into flat boxes.

Some eggs were not good to sell.  Some were funny, some were little, some were round and some were brown.  

She gave me some of the funny eggs.  

 My favorite one was the soft egg that was like rubber.

Sometimes chickens die so they put them in a thing that looks like a barbecue to burn them. 

Everybody liked the chicken egg farm and we ate the eggs that Ms. Mary's cousin gave us.


  1. Mary you take some good pictures! This was another fun day on the farm:-)

  2. i live in east africa,
    to me this is a very large scale farm.
    all together how many chicken are there?
    any hatchery activity as well??
    how many employees?

  3. How nice to know that someone in Africa is reading our blog. Thanks for your comment.

    My cousin and her husband have this house and get their chicks from a poultry company. The company picks up the eggs twice a week and takes them to their hatchery. The house has 6,000 chickens and 600 roosters.

    Here's another post with a couple more photos.
