Thursday, May 13, 2010

Blanche was to Blame -- After All

Poor Pepper.... we thought she was the one to blame for the "calling card" on our bedspread.  This evening, we were in the bedroom and Blanche was on our bed.  Ed asked why she was scratching the blanket.  I said it looked like it felt good on her feet.  About that time, he yelled.....she was wetting the blanket.  I quickly picked her up to hold her over the bathroom sink but she had stopped.

We're pretty sure she doesn't yet understand that she needs to go out the pet door into the garage for the litter box.  She is only about 2 pounds so maybe pushing the little pet door seems difficult for her? 

Anyway, we apologized to Pepper and are still trying to give her extra attention.  Blanche will be out of the laundry room (cats' room) only when we're right with her.  Plus, we added another litter box inside the room.

Just when she was finding her way around our house in Florida, we took her in the car for 2 days, a motel for a night, then to yet another house.

Blanche will be 3 years old on July 4th but seems like a kitten.  She's lived her whole life in a cattery, which was a double garage that was tiled with cages on the sides and lots of climbing cat trees and many cats.  Besides that, she's been to cat shows -- won several ribbons, too.
She's never lived in a house, so everything is new and exciting to her. 

Poor Blanche....she's used to lots of kitties to play with all the time.  Now she only has one playmate who isn't quite friendly yet....
We're getting there little by little.

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