Thursday, March 18, 2010

Busy Week

Once again our week turned out to be rather busy.  Sunday morning we went to church here in Savanna Club. Everyone was very friendly but the 9:00 a.m. time slot was really difficult for us.  It looks like a good way to meet people but, besides the early hour, we missed having a choir.  

With all the rain, the lakes are up to the banks and the whole area looks really nice so Ed invited George and Kay to to visit to see the lakes in the afternoon.  Sunday evening we went to a potluck at one of the club houses. 

Wednesday evening we went to George and Kay's for corned beef and cabbage.  Kay had seen me making Dump Cake on Sunday so I offered to make one for our St. Patty's Day dinner.  It was a good meal with good company.

Today we took a Driving Course here in our development.  This is through AARP and gives us a little break on our car insurance.  But, it was another early hour - 8:00 a.m.  I could hardly keep my eyes open!!!  The group voted to skip the afternoon  break so we got out at 2:30 p.m. instead of 3:00 p.m. 

The rain storms brought a few leaks where the Florida room meets the house.  The roofer showed us how the people that added the Florida room and carport took a shortcut in joining the roof to the house roof.  We're getting that fixed tomorrow.  

Whether it's a house on wheels, a house in Virginia, or a house in Florida -- they always need attention.  It's better to get things fixed instead of waiting until the problem gets worse.  It's only money, right? 


  1. I know what you mean about a busy week. De-winterized RV today and did a full system check. Monday I go for an epidural injection to try and ease my lower back pain. MRI shows either a bone spur or growth in the spinal canal. 8 physical therapy sessions only made it worse. Another back surgery if the shot doesn't work.

  2. I think an awful lot of Florida rooms leak where they join the house, judging from the comments I've heard over the years. The "shortcut" must not be noticeable until the first rain.
