Friday, February 26, 2010

The Key, The Key

The people who bought our Chevy Malibu already have an RV so were pleased to find a car with the towing apparatus installed and included.

Ed got ready to remove the tow bar from the RV but didn't have the key for the padlock. He thought and thought, then remembered it was in Virginia.

He called Jim,, our cousin who watches our house, to see if he could get up the driveway yet to send us the key. Jim said, "Driveway, what driveway?!!!!

There has been so much snow and the temperatures have stayed so low that there has been very little melting. Jim said that maybe a bulldozer could get up our hill.

Not to worry.....the guy buying the car brought a special saw and they were able to saw the bar off the RV.

1 comment:

  1. Yup, the snow is still lying heavily on any area that wasn't cleared right away, despite having had a couple days in the low 50s and some rain.
