Sunday, October 11, 2009

A Few Last Pictures from Vegas

Our one-bedroom suite in Caesar's Palace was probably more square feet than my whole condo in Florida. The 12 foot ceilings made it seem all the larger. This is the shower that I shared with Ed. We each had our own sink and bathroom, I also had the tub and a vanity area, plus there was a full bath in the entry hall.
Heated towel racks are a nice touch.
The bidet is a wonderful invention that I'd like to see in every home.
Three of my tubs at home would fit in this one.
Ed declares that this is where they filmed that commercial for Cialis -- the one with the couple sitting in separate bathtubs, holding hands by the ocean.
There are 3 pools.
Fountains and flowers are everywhere in hotels.
We didn't get a chance to go in but The Venetian surely does look like Venice.
One of my favorite lunches in Caesar's Palace was at the Mesa Grill. Our very best meal was at Nero's in the hotel and the service was outstanding.
Even the elevator doors were works of art.
The carpets in the elevators were pretty. My ears popped twice every time we went up to our room on the 28th floor.
The noodle Oriental restaurant wall treatment attracted my eye every day when we walked by. The night we ate there, we did enjoy the noodles, their speciality.


  1. I guess its back to reality. I have enjoyed all the pictures of Vegas. I've never been there and thought I never would waste my time going there. Your blog has changed my mind. I still would have trouble convincing Philip though.

  2. It was an experience of a lifetime because we were guests of Rene Angelil (Celine's husband). The shows, dining, and luxury were fantastic, although I must say I still have no interest in gambling.

  3. Ellen was especially interested in the bathroom fixing!
