Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sea Lions Without Tryin'

Tuesday morning we drove south of Coos Bay through Charleston, Oregon then on to the Arago Cape. We stopped at a look-out and the minute we opened the car doors, we heard barking. The noise was deafening and non-stop!

Here's an overview of the scene.
The largest rock/beach.
An even closer view:
I've heard the espression, "A sea of humanity" but this was a sea of sea lions.
A group of sea lions is called a raft. These look like their floating on a raft, don't they?
Say, whatcha wanna do today, huh, huh?
Another tough day basking in the sun. Some of us need to work on our tans. (There were several different types and colors of sea lions there.)
I'll be king of this rock and you can have that one.
All dressed up and nowhere to go!
Hey, guys, look at me!

Over here..........Oh, well, maybe if I keep doing tricks, someone will notice me!

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