Saturday, September 26, 2009

Not Fussing about Fog

Now that I know that the existence of the redwoods is dependent on fog, I welcome it!

Crescent City, CA seems to have fog in the mornings. Actually, that works well for us because we like to sleep late, drink coffee and read email. So by the time we're ready to get going, the fog is starting to lift.....usually...

But not Friday. It was thick all day -- almost looked like wisps of cotton blowing here and there. Ed enjoyed some extra time to watch football. We did take a drive and shopped for a few groceries.

In the course of our drive, we happened upon a bride being escorted by her dad down to their "wedding rock".

It was a dramatic setting for a wedding.
The groom's outfit was a little unusual...wish my telephoto camera lens was stronger!
These views are in town on a street by the ocean.
Good night, fog. We hope to see you in the morning!

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