Friday, June 5, 2009

MM's Birthday & Ladies' Luncheon

RV rallies are set up with various workshops throughout the day, vendors in an area all day, and usually entertainment during the evening. I took the “Cleaning Your Rig” one presented by Big Rig RV Accessories. Who would think that a workshop explaining about microfibers, their history, and the various types would be interesting? By the time the guy finished, I wanted to go buy microfiber cleaning rags, towels, mops, etc. One of the great things I like is that to clean windows and mirrors, you use only water and these “rags” - they clean and leave no streaks or lint.

I then went to Advanced Digital Photography and learned a lot about working with photos in different ways. A guy across the aisle asked a question and I recognized his voice. It was Dave Friedel, the fellow Ed enjoyed so much last January in Ft. Lauderdale – more about Dave later.

Ed went to RV Electrical Circuits – Part 1 and Part 2, Allison Transmissions, and the Do’s and Don’ts of Holding Tanks. In between, he had fun shopping and trying to figure out some problems on our RV with Dave.

During the course of the two days I went to Traveling with Tupperware, Organizing Your Coach, and Computer Safety and Security for the RV. The computer workshop was led by Philip May – the same spelling as my brother, Philip May. I went to their booth afterwards and we had great fun texting and calling my brother, then sending him a photo of me standing with Philip May. This Philip May is about 150 pounds and is 6’4” with an English accent.

About Dave and Dianne Friedel - from near Baltimore, MD.... The email address he had given us in January didn’t go through and Ed was disappointed to lose touch with him, as he’s a wealth of knowledge about many topics and a fun guy. Thus, began – or continued a friendship. We went to Applebee’s that evening with Dave and Dianne and they helped celebrate my birthday. I indulged in a Blondie (Gayle Davis, WHY did you have to tell me about them? They are sooo good but soo full of calories…..oh, that’s right, I forgot, if it’s your birthday calories are canceled!).

Friday was the Ladies’ Luncheon, involving many who are in the Red Hat Society. They were decked out in their very creative purple and red hats and ensembles. The menu was really tasty – shiskabobs made of chicken with pineapple and onions, spinach dip with crackers, beautiful grapes, pineapple, and strawberries, little teeny cheesecakes and brownies, with iced tea. It was a very hoity-toity affair - not really but I did meet several nice gals!

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