Thursday, February 5, 2009

Where it's warm....

Ed's been saying lately, "It's too cold here. Let's go to Florida, where it's warm......oh, wait, we ARE in Florida!" Can't you just hear him saying that?

Last night it went down to 31 degrees - our heat pump couldn't carry the load so we had to turn on the furnace, which worked fine. It got up to 61 today but they say it's supposed to be another cold one tonight. There are lots of planted flower beds and flower pots all over this RV park and they've all been covered with sheets and bedspreads.

Ed's been saying he wants to fsh.....personally, I can't envision him sitting still long enough to fish but if that's his desire, then why not? He bought a fshing license and some lures yesterday. Today went back to this factory outlet fishing store and bought a rod with all the trimmings. I have NEVER seen so many rods, lures, etc. etc. in one place. There must be at least 2 gazillion items in there.

He started talking to this couple in Walmart yesterday when he was looking for lures. The gal had taken a salt water fishing course and wanted to fish. She didn't want to invest a fortune until she decided how she was going to like it so Ed told them about this factory outlook store. This morning, he stopped by there for a minute and guess who was there? That couple. I hope that Ed's sending a new customer helped in getting him a better deal.

Don't know how much he spent. Here's where Ed stands on the matter and I've agreed to it: You don't ask how much my fishing equipment costs and I won't ask how much your blouses cost. (He always said that Mother and I collect blouses.....I had never noticed, but he's right.)

So long and have a lovely, warm, and cozy evening!

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